Sustainability Observatory
20.000 € awarded
Supporting local environmental and conservation initiatives to preserve the Mallorca's exceptional natural beauty for generations to come.
Our mission is to preserve the beauty and high environmental quality of Mallorca. Supporting local initiatives focused on preserving and protecting the marine and terrestrial environment, promoting environmental education and sustainable development.
Our vision is to create a sustainable future for Mallorca, where the natural environment is protected and preserved and where the local community thrives in harmony with the environment.
Explore our projects and find out how to apply for a grant.
collected since 2017
years working
MAPF ambassadors
partner associations
people reached in 2023
Stay up to date with our latest news.
On 21 November, the conference: The European regulation on nature restoration: an opportunity for the wetlands of the Balearic Islands was held.
Four documentaries. Four powerful stories that inspired us to reflect on and connect with the challenges and marvels of our environment. Over 350 people joined us in this journey, and we’re excited to share a brief recap of what we’ve experienced together:
Join us on Monday, November 4, at 18:30 at the Estudi General Lul-lià for a special screening of 2040, a documentary exploring practical solutions to environmental challenges. Filmmaker Damon Gameau envisions a hopeful future for his daughter, who will be 21 in the year 2040.
The Conservation Collective comprises a global network of locally-focused environmental foundations, emerging from the natural instinct of all people to protect what they love. The Conservation Collective facilitates funding for the most effective grassroots environmental initiatives, with world-class oversight, management and programme aid.
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