Environmental Education
60.000 € awarded
What percentage of Mallorcan land is ecological? How is waste managed? What is the conservation status of Posidonia? How much renewable energy is generated in Mallorca?
With the aim of answering these questions, the Environmental Sustainability Observatory of Mallorca (OSMM) was created, a project promoted by the Mallorca Preservation Foundation and financed by Banca March, through the sustainable Mediterranean Fund. The objective is to raise awareness of the current state of environmental sustainability on the island by collecting and disseminating data on selected indicators. The indicators have been grouped around the Sustainable Development Goals established by the UN.
Mediterranean Fund is a thematic, global equity, sustainable and solidarity-based investment fund (ART. 8 SFDR) managed by March A.M., a Banca March fund manager, which invests in two themes whose sectors show higher-than-expected growth for the world economy: the ocean economy and water. This thematic global equity fund donates 10% of its management fee to projects related to these two themes.
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