The Booted Eagle
6.758€ awarded
26 August 2024
🦅 Thanks to your participation, we now have names for our two booted eagles! 🦅
💚 We are thrilled to introduce GALATZÓ and ALFABIA, the names you selected in our story survey. These young eagles, tagged in June with the assistance of the Pennatus Association team, are now equipped with GPS/GSM devices that allow us to track their first flights.
Very soon, we’ll be sharing updates on the initial flights of GALATZÓ and ALFABIA. Thanks to the GPS/GSM technology, the Pennatus Association team receives location updates every 5 minutes, enabling us to closely monitor their progress as they strengthen and refine their flying techniques. During this critical period, they are building muscle, mastering different flight styles like circling, linear flight, and swooping. Under the guidance of their parents, they are also learning to hunt and navigate freely within their territory, and it won’t be long before they start exploring beyond their home range.
🗺️ We will soon share maps of their movements to ensure these magnificent creatures have the space and tranquility they need to thrive without disturbance.
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