Report of the WWF wetlands conference
On 21 November, the conference: The European regulation on nature restoration: an opportunity for the wetlands of the Balearic Islands was held.
25.000€ awarded
The "Wetlands in Action" project, an initiative by WWF, aims to combat the degradation of wetlands in the Balearic Islands. The project focuses on restoring priority wetlands, fostering collaboration among various stakeholders, and raising public awareness about the importance of these ecosystems. Through conferences, studies, events, field actions, and environmental awareness campaigns, the project seeks to promote wetland conservation. It aims to establish collaborative working networks involving government bodies, NGOs, municipalities, and research centers.
The wetlands of the Balearic Islands are experiencing significant degradation due to urban development, overexploitation, water pollution, and climate change, resulting in the substantial loss of these natural habitats.
On 21 November, the conference: The European regulation on nature restoration: an opportunity for the wetlands of the Balearic Islands was held.
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