
Ecological Agriculture


€26,500 awarded

Organisation requesting funding:

Mallorca’s ecologic farmers cooperative


Issue of Concern being addressed:

The vulnerability of both local farmers and vulnerable low-income families due to COVID-19 situation.


Value of the grant:




Support Tardor Association and Mallorca Sense Fam by providing local, fresh produce to prepare food for 1.500 families for eight months.

Project overview:

The Covid-19 crisis has had tremendous effects in places where economy is focused on tourism, such as Mallorca. Local food production, that has in hotels and restaurants an important consumer, has also been severely damaged.

In order to address both of these concerns, the Mallorca Preservation Foundation raise funds to help Tardor Association to buy the surplus products from our local, organic farmers, in order to ensure their incomes and surveillance.

The food is purchased by Mallorca’s ecologic farmers cooperative, that prepares it to be delivered to Tardor Association.

The MAPF has joined this initiative by funding this purchase with €5,000. Now, we are raising funds to extend this project.





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