9 October 2022
On Friday 7th October we visited the facilities of TIRME, the environmental technology park of Mallorca and a reference in waste management worldwide. Volunteers, ambassadors and part of the Mallorca Preservation team accompanied us to better understand how waste is managed on our island.
During the visit we were surprised by some data that we took note of to share with you:
– Every year more than 600,000 tonnes of rubbish are thrown away in Mallorca and 22 million in Spain.
– Recycling has doubled in recent years.
– In 2007 Mallorca was the first region in Europe with zero landfill.
– TIRME has 18 facilities all over the island.
– They use sewage sludge to produce compost and biofuel.
– 30% of the waste that ends up in the yellow bin shouldn’t be there.
– 35% of the waste produced comes from tourists.
– The organic matter has an end use on the island: converting biomethane into renewable energy.
– TIRME is the leading producer of clean energy in the Balearics.
– Compost collection has increased by 40% in the last year and 90% of it comes from the hotels. A total of 30,000 tonnes of compost are collected every year.
– The energy recovery plant (incinerator) produces energy for more than 53,000 inhabitants.
– In the recycling plant, metals are extracted to produce eco-arids which are used to make roads and concrete.
– Ninety per cent of the renewable energy they produce is fed into the grid.
– Since the single-use plastic law was passed, they have greatly reduced plastic waste.
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