10.400€ awarded
15 November 2023
A coalition of eight marine conservation entities and the Conselleria de Agricultura, Pesca i Medi Natural have launched “The Nursehound Shark, not a thorny story”, a comic book narrating the life and challenges of the nursehound shark, a species in the Mediterranean Sea listed as endangered in the Red Book of Fish of the Balearic Islands. This creative initiative is part of the “Petits Taurons – Acció Stellaris” project, which involves breeding the species in captivity and subsequently releasing the young sharks to strengthen their population in the marine ecosystem. The aim is to capture the attention of young people, raising awareness of the vital importance of preserving marine biodiversity through a blend of entertainment and education.
15,000 copies of this comic have been printed, delving into the life of the nursehound (Scyliorhinus Stellaris), a shark native to Mediterranean and European Atlantic waters. It highlights fascinating aspects like its reproduction through “mermaid’s purses” and a diet of molluscs and crustaceans. Through visual storytelling, the comic addresses the serious threats facing this species, including overfishing and accidental capture, which have led to a worrying decline in its population. These copies will be distributed among participants in environmental education activities conducted by the alliance’s institutions and promoted through social media and digital platforms, aiming to inspire youth to take action and nurture their ecological responsibility.
This project is the result of collaboration between eight entities dedicated to marine conservation: Fundación Palma Aquarium, Fundación Mallorca Preservation, Save the Med, Shark Med, Small Mediterranean Islands Initiative (PIM), Marilles Foundation, the Conselleria de Agricultura, Pesca i Medi Natural, and the Maritime-Terrestrial National Park of the Cabrera Archipelago. It is also supported by Balearia and the fishermen’s guilds of Formentera and Cala Ratjada.
Ana Riera, director of Mallorca Preservation, comments: “This comic is a window into the life of the nursehound, inviting us to reflect on the impact of our actions on the sea. We aim to foster curiosity and respect for marine biodiversity in the Balearic Islands among the youth.”
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