10.000€ awarded
27 May 2024
Last Saturday, we held a cleanup day at the Maristany Wetland in collaboration with WWF Spain. We managed to collect 1,600 kg of rubbish, over one and a half tonnes! Thanks to the support of the team from Sa Talaia Jardins, we were able to remove the larger items and ensure proper recycling of everything collected.
Among the debris, we found surprising items such as a motorcycle helmet, a toy house, a coffee maker, a speaker, and cassette players. Who knows how long they had been there! Each piece we picked up reminded us of the damage that can be caused by some people's indifference.
It was wonderful to share this day with all of you and see the positive impact we made together on this heavily degraded area. Although there is still much to do, both in terms of cleaning and environmental education, we are grateful to all the volunteers for their effort and commitment. Thank you for contributing your bit!
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