10.000€ awarded
22 March 2023
Last Saturday was a momentous day for us as we collaborated with WWF Spain to organize a clean-up of the s’Estany des Ponts wetland. Over 40 volunteers from different ages joined us in this effort to restore the area to its former state of normality.
The wetland had been long neglected and was previously used as a dumping ground, resulting in the accumulation of garbage and debris that threatened the ecosystem of the area. However, with the joint efforts of WWF, Ajuntament Alcudia, Fundacion Biodiversidad, and recent funding from the Next Generation Funds, the wetlands are slowly but surely being revitalized to their former glory.
During the clean-up, we collected over half a tonne of rubbish and 200+ glass bottles from the area. We witnessed firsthand the impact that small actions can have on the environment and were reminded of the importance of taking responsibility for our surroundings.
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