
Environmental Education


2.000€ awarded

The Balearic Sea is rich and diverse, and we want everyone to know about it. Knowing the wealth hidden in the sea is essential to understand the benefits it brings us and to actively participate in its conservation.

MARE is a photography contest of the Balearic Sea that helps us to get to know the privileged environment that surrounds us in order to promote its conservation. Every year it invites professionals and amateurs, adults and young people, to submit photographs of the Balearic marine world.

Its main objectives are to support marine conservation through creativity and promotion of photography and video, to share the beauty of the landscape, flora and fauna of the Balearic Sea, as well as to learn about the challenges facing the Balearic Sea and to be an active part of its conservation.

MARE is a collaborative Balearic initiative open to support and donations from other institutions and companies that want to contribute to making the beauty of the Balearic Sea visible and working for its conservation. It has the financial support of the Marilles Foundation and Fundatur, in collaboration with Menorca Reserva de la Biosfera, IbizaPreservation, Mallorca Preservation Foundation, Menorca Preservation Fund, Save the Med, Iniciatives Mediterrànies, Foro Marino de Ibiza y Formentera, MedGardens and Arrels Marines. 


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