Biologische Vielfalt


‘B Project’ is an initiative that began in January 2020 with the aim of helping to increase Mallorca’s bee population.

As the decline in global bee population is mainly caused by pesticide use and habitat loss, our main objective is to focus on providing more ‘homes’ for bees in an optimal and healthy environment.

We are connecting private landowners with professional beekeepers who offer a service of breeding, maintenance, sustainable honey extraction and individualised package design of homegrown honey. This has proven to be a win-win situation: the landowners effortlessly help the environment whilst enjoying some homegrown honey and bees are given new, healthy habitats to live in.

As a result of the collaboration of arbeitet Mallorca Preservation und Abellaiflor, an organisation dedicated to the care and creation of new colonies of wild bees, 37 hives with nearly two and a half million bees have a safe home. These polarising insects settle in different fincas of Mallorca playing an important role for the ecological balance of nature and human life on our island.

Check the “Bee Counter” on our website to follow the latest numbers.

Looking forward, we would also like to explore ways to support a bee education centre on the island and find ways to promote beekeeping as a job by making it more attractive for future generations. 

Neueste Nachrichten über das Projekt


Galen Ayers x Mallorca Preservation

Wir von Mallorca Preservation haben uns sehr darüber gefreut, dass die Última Hora über Galen Ayers und seine tiefe Verbundenheit mit unserer geliebten Insel berichtet hat. Sein Engagement für den Erhalt des einzigartigen Wesens von Deià, wo die sterblichen Überreste seines Vaters Kevin Ayers ruhen, spiegelt dieselbe Liebe zu Mallorca wider, die uns Tag für Tag antreibt.


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